Lemon Grove Rod & Gun Club

Archery - Rifle - Pistol - Trap - Sporting Clays

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One of the best perks of being a club member is the exclusive access to top-notch training opportunities. However, we offer many other training opportunities for non members as well. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned shooter, there’s something for everyone. Here's how you can make the most of what’s available:

Youth Trap - Every 2nd and 4th Saturday, $20/participant 12 - 4 PM. This program is open for juniors ages 10 to 17 years old to come and shoot 3 games of trap.  The participants will receive coaching, ammunition, and use of a club gun if they don't have a gun of their own. Come learn to shoot trap, or come get better at your game! Rick lgrgcyouthtrap@gmail.com

Defensive Handgun – Every 2nd and 4th Friday, $20/Nonmembers 5 - 9 PM. Come join us for an instructor-driven clinic to develop good defensive handgun skills and be challenged by ever-changing defensive scenarios.  Members and member-accompanied guests 11 years and older are welcome to attend to learn defensive handgun fundamentals. ADVANCED REGISTRATION REQUIRED OR YOU MAY NOT PARTICIPATE! - Visit our Coming Events page to register.

CCW Skills Check Clinic – Every 3rd Sunday. $15/MEMBERS ONLY 12:30 - 6 PM. This clinic will use practical “real-life” scenario-based stages, and drill-oriented EDC skill building modules, thematically built upon the AVOID EVADE DEFEND concepts of smart EDC. REGISTRATION REQUIRED Email Blake blknatr@yahoo.com

Massad Ayoob Group 20 Hour Self Defense Lecture  - March 8 & 9, 2025 Living Legacy Training Room 5280 Caroll Canyon Road, San Diego 9:00 - 7:00 PM. $500. Lemon Grove Rod & Gun Club Members have priority registration until November 15th. A two-day, 20- hour immersion course in rules of engagement for armed law-private citizens, emphasizing legal issues, tactical issues, and aftermath management. Topics will include interacting with suspects, witnesses, responding police officers, threat recognition and mind-set..management of social and psychological aftermath after having had to use lethal force in defense of self or others..and preparing beforehand for legal repercussions and minimizing exposure to them. Situations in the home, at the place of business, or "on the street" will be covered.  Please contact Tina (951) 970-6432 tina.clippinger@gmail.com for the password. 

NRA RSO Course: Saturday, April 12, 2025, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Training Trailer. Required to become club RSO. Bring lunch, a notepad/pen, eye and ear protection, and a good learning attitude. This IS NOT a live fire class. No ammunition required or allowed in the classroom. Feel free to bring any cool or unusual guns for show and tell. $125 Cash ONLY. Contact Dave Reed to register. davereed2010@gmail.com

NRA Basic Instructor Training: Saturday, April 19, 2025, 8:30 am -2:30 pm Training Trailer.   Basic Instructor Training required for any NRA Instructor course. All students strongly recommended to participate in Shot Heard Around the World event celebrating 250 years of fighting gun control. Class will begin immediately after the event. No live ammo allowed in the classroom. Bring lunch, a notepad/ pen, and a learning attitude. $30 Cash ONLY. Contact Dave Reed to register. davereed2010@gmail.com

NRA Basic Pistol Instructor Course: Sunday, April 20, 2025, 8 am - 6 pm. Training Trailer.


Bring: Proof of BIT completion. Pistol or revolver 2-3 magazines or speed loaders 100 rounds of ammunition (for range only, do NOT bring it into the classroom).  Eye/ear protection, a notepad/pen, lunch, and a learning attitude. $125 Cash ONLY. Contact Dave Reed to register. davereed2010@gmail.com

Tatiana Whitlock Training – Makeup for events canceled earlier this year. 

Take a Seat Workshop - May 17, 2025 - LGRGC Pistol Range 9 - 12:30 PM $150 Range fee in the amount of $20 for nonmember. We spend a great deal of time sitting down at home, at work, in the car, in restaurants, and in classrooms. How often have you worked shooting from concealment or simply drawing from a holster while seated? What happens if you’re in a booth, on a bench seat, on a roller chair, in metal folding chair, or seated in a car? Emphasis is placed on individual skill building as well as essential communication techniques, partner skills, movement, and after-action processing. Train in the context of your life for the fight of your life!

Yoga with Guns May 17, 2025 - LGRGC Pistol Range 1:30 - 5 PM $150 Range fee in the amount of $20 for nonmember. Yoga with Guns, also know as $#!t Happens is a 3-hour workshop dedicated to the worst case scenario – shooting from the ground. Whether we find ourselves fighting from the ground because we were pushed, or just have two left feet, learning how to manage yourself and your firearm safely from grounded positions is an important skill set to develop. Are you prepared to work through the awkward but highly likely non- standing (non-standard) positions you could probably find yourself in if a confrontation doesn’t go to plan and gravity wins? This session will have you on the ground, working two-handed, dominant and support hand only while adapting to what your body and vision need to be successful and safe. Learn techniques to overcome personal injuries and physical limitations in order to safely fight your way back to your feet. Being prepared means being ready to take control of the situation and respond appropriately when $#!t happens!

Handgun Accuracy May 18, 2025 - LGRGC Pistol Range (Times coming) $275 Range fee to be announced for nonmember. Hone your pistol accuracy skills and take your marksmanship to a higher level in this 8-hour course. This class aims to develop the core physical, visual, and mental skills that produce consistent accuracy on target. Marksmanship skill builder drills and exercises raise the group’s performance, and one-on-one instruction with Tatiana fine-tunes each student’s skills. It is a fun and challenging program for shooters of all skill levels!

Fundamentals of Marksmanship Clinic - July 6, 2025 LGRGC Rifle Range 6:30 - 12 PM  Free to members, $20 Daily Membership for non membersThis clinic will focus on learning the Fundamentals of Marksmanship. This is a live-fire clinic designed around scoped bolt action centerfire systems but, because of the cost of ammunition, scoped RIMFIRE bolt action rifles will be welcome. I will send out an email to those on my Precision Rifle Group mailing list approximately 2 weeks before the clinic announcing the event and that I'm accepting sign-ups at that time; Pre-registration is required 

If you are a new shooter or a shooter who is not on my group mailing list and are interested in this clinic and/or our Precision Rifle Program, please send me an email to learn about rifle and shooter requirements. Doug Roper: dougroperchairmaker@gmail.com

NRA Basic Rifle Instructor Course: Saturday, August 16, 2025, 8 am - 6 pm. Training Trailer. MUST COMPLETE BOTH BASICS OF RIFLE SHOOTING COURSE AND BASIC INSTRUCTOR TRAINING PRIOR TO THIS CLASS.

Bring: Proof of BIT completion. Rifle and appropriate magazine 100 rounds of ammunition (for range only, do NOT bring it into the classroom) Eye/ear protection, a notepad/pen,  lunch, and a learning attitude. $125 Cash ONLY.

Contact Dave Reed to register. davereed2010@gmail.com

NRA RSO Course: Sunday, August 17, 2025, 8 am -6 pm. Training Trailer. NRA RSO COURSE- Required to become club RSO. Bring lunch, a notepad/pen, eye and ear protection, and a good learning attitude. This IS NOT a live fire class. No ammunition required or allowed in the classroom. Feel free to bring any cool or unusual guns for show and tell. $125 Cash ONLY. Contact Dave Reed to register. davereed2010@gmail.com

The Complete Combatant (Brian Hill) Deliberate Coaching Class - August 23 - 25, 2025. $719 PRIVATE RANGE IN ALPINE. The Complete Combatant's Certified Deliberate Coaching Instructor Development Program will be 3 challenging days like no other instructor program out there because Brian will be sharing over forty years of coaching and instructor development. This chosen path has given him a unique insight and experience over a broad range of training philosophies. Register at HOSTED: Deliberate Coaching, The Complete Combatant (, ), Saturday, 8/23/2025

Precision Rifle Scope and Ballistic Clinic - September 7, 2025. LGRGC Rifle Range 6:30 - 1 PM  Free to members, $20 Daily Membership for non members. This clinic will focus on Precision Rifle scopes and ballistic programs. Shooters will learn how to test their scopes for mechanical deviation, use their turrets to dial for corrections and practice reading their reticles for holding or dialing to POI. Shooters will also learn to use a ballistic program and become acquainted with the inputs necessary to obtain a shooting solution. We will also verify elevations and learn to calibrate our ballistic programs to match the data obtained downrange.

This is a live-fire clinic designed around scoped bolt action centerfire systems but, because of the cost of ammunition, scoped RIMFIRE bolt action rifles will be welcome. I will send out an email to those on my Precision Rifle Group mailing list approximately 2 weeks before the clinic announcing the event and that I'm accepting sign-ups at that time; Pre-registration is required 

If you are a new shooter or a shooter who is not on my group mailing list and are interested in this clinic and/or our Precision Rifle Program, please send me an email to learn about rifle and shooter requirements. Doug Roper: dougroperchairmaker@gmail.com

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